Jane Austen's Favorite Music

I am happy to announce I am writing the final chapters of the upcoming Inconvenient Brides Book 3, My Fair Bluestocking, before sending it to my editor for the first round of editing.
Due to this current manuscript, I can safely state that I have spent quite a bit of time researching dancing and music to be enjoyed in the year 1820 over this past festive season. In doing so, I quite enjoyed one of Jane Austen's favorite songs, one of her famous hand copied music sheets that provides our modern world with insight into the popular culture and humor of her time.
I confess when I read lyrics or poetry written more than two hundred years ago, they sometimes go over my head and I have to read an explanation of what I am reviewing. However, The Joys of the Country, by Charles Dubin is not one of those times!
It is a delightful song about a tongue-in-cheek love of the country which made me smile several times when I played it. One can imagine Jane playing it to her relatives for their entertainment and the laughing that would have ensued.
I thought you would like to enjoy 'pop' music of the Regency, bringing in 2023 while reflecting on a simpler age. The Joys of the Country serenades the wonders of country life with uplifting sentiment, while secretly complaining about all the trouble it causes.
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